
Rules are your users' questions.

Rules are your users' questions mapped to stories (bot's answer). Rearrange rules to prioritize over others.

P1 = highest priority.

  1. Filter Rules from Message enables you to enter a message and filter its automatically loaded associated Rules.

  2. Advanced Filter Settings lets you copy attributes from an existing user, or create a new attribute with +add attribute

  3. Memory

At times, a rule does not respond to user's direct message, rather it responds from the interaction history.

Example: If we go to the "hey!" story, we can add an "action" response to make the bot remember this. Let's set the action as follows:

type: memory
property: said-hey
funtion: $enable

Now when the bot replies to a user with "hey!", the bot actually $enabled a property called "said-hey" to the chat's session memory.

User: hello there
Bot: hey!
Bot: (secretly, without telling the user, assigns *said-hey* to the chat)

Add a NEW rule with a NEW condition:

type: memory
property: said-hey
function: $exists

and let's assign this to a new story called "You Just Said Hello"

Now, the chat will go as follows:

User: hello there
Bot: hey!
Bot: (secretly, without telling the user, assigns *said-hey* to the chat)
User: how are you?
Bot: (saw that the property said-hey exists in the user's chat session)
Bot: you just said hello

The functions within actions are directly correlated with functions within conditions.

Action Function=Condition Funtion







Example Rule, when user asks "Who is your best friend?"

Add a Rule

  1. Click on the +Add Group button and create an example “FRIENDS” (the example indicates preparing rules for users to ask about Bob’s friends.)

  1. Add the title to your 1st rule, “Who is your best friend?”

  2. Add the condition. (In this case) set the condition to recognize the keyword(s) “best friend”

  3. Move on to step 2 (on the left) and create your story. The story is the reply to the question.

  4. Name your story and add the new story

Last updated