Twilio WhatsApp Integration

By integrating Twilio WhatsApp API, the platform allows your bot to respond to WhatsApp messages directly, and automate customer care, sales, support, and other business functions.


For the Twilio WhatsApp API Provider, we will need

  • An Account SID

  • Auth Token

  • A WhatsApp-enabled Number

When a user sends a message to your WhatsApp Enabled Number, your BotDistrikt bot will reply to them

Create a Twilio Account

You can set up a new Twilio Account here. After logging in for the first time and setting up your details, you will be taken to the Dashboard page.

You will get your Account SID and the Auth Token from this page

New accounts come with $15 worth of credits, which you can use to purchase a phone number

Twilio Console

Enable the WhatsApp Sandbox

Click on the Messaging tab and click on Overview > Try WhatsApp

Twilio WhatsApp Sandbox

Follow the instructions on this page

When your device is connected to the Sandbox, you will receive this message

After you have successfully completed the above steps, return to the Twilio Messaging > Try WhatsApp. You will see this step.

You are now ready to setup the Twilio WhatsApp API Provider on your BotDistrikt WhatsApp channel


BotDistrikt WhatsApp Integration

We have our Account SID and Auth Token ready. We need to get the WhatsApp Enabled Number ready now.

On Twilio, click Sandbox Settings to get your WhatsApp Enabled Number.

On BotDistrikt, fill in all 3 fields:

  • An Account SID

  • Auth Token

  • A WhatsApp Enabled Number

For the WhatsApp Enabled number, make sure to remove the white spaces and add a whatsapp: prefix.

For example, if the number you copy from Twilio is +1 415 523 8886, The number you will need to key into BotDistrikt is whatsapp:+14155238886

Click Link to WhatsApp

When it is linked, take note of the When A Message Comes In and Status Callback endpoint URLs

Go Back to Twilio

Click Settings > WhatsApp Sandbox Settings and paste the respective endpoint URLs there

Click Save on Twilio

Your BotDistrikt bot is now connected to WhatsApp through Twilio!

Whatsapp Chatbot Connected

Last updated