Telegram Groups
Bots can work in Telegram group chats. In group chats, a bot responds when:
It is added to a group
A member joins the group
A member leaves the group
A new group is created with the bot as a member
A member replies to a bot message
You may use bots to manage your groups and communities, play games, and share information amongst all the members of a group easily with scheduled or recurring Broadcasts.
A group is represented as a single User on BotDistrikt, no matter how many members are in it. Groups can be identified with the word (Group) in their names, and User Type group in their profiles.
Added to a group
When you add the bot to a group, a postback event is triggered. To make the bot respond to this event, you must add a rule with the following condition
Context | Property | Function | Value |
If the above rule is not added, the bot will respond with its default fallback story
Member joins the group
When a new member joins a group the bot is in, a postback event is triggered. To make the bot respond to this event, you must add a rule with the following condition
Context | Property | Function | Value |
If the above rule is not added, the bot will respond with its default fallback story
Member leaves the group
When a member leaves a group the bot is in, a postback event is triggered. To make the bot respond to this event, you must add a rule with the following condition
Context | Property | Function | Value |
If the above rule is not added, the bot will respond with its default fallback story
New group with bot
When a new group is created with the bot as a member, a postback event is triggered. To make the bot respond to this event, you must add a rule with the following condition
Context | Property | Function | Value |
If the above rule is not added, the bot will respond with its default fallback story
Reply to message
Inside a group, a Telegram bot only responds when one of its previous messages is Replied to
Tagging a bot by its username will not make the bot respond. Its message must be Replied to
When a bot provides quick replies in a group, clicking on a quick reply automatically "Replies to" the bot, thus making it easier to chat with in groups
Location quick replies do not work in groups
Last updated