Register for BotDistrikt

Register for a BotDistrikt Account (Create your Account)

  1. To create a free BotDistrikt Account, visit the BotDistrikt Account Registration page.

Enter the field entries according to the following specifications:

Field NameDescription


Enter first name

Enter your first name

Enter last name

Enter your last name


Enter a valid email ID


Enter Password

Minimum length 12 characters, minimum 1 uppercase, minimum 1 lowercase, minimum 1 special character, minimum 1 numerical

Re-type Password

Same as Enter Password

Register with BotDistrikt

Click Register.

Or Sign Up with Single Sign On (SSO) through your Google or Facebook account.

Or sign up with Google or Facebook SSO.

Click Register.

Upon successful registration, you will be redirected to the following page indicating Success ✅ and receive an account activation email in your registered email ID.

Successful Registration. Proceed to Account Activation.

If you do not receive the account activation email, check your spam folder.

In case, you do not receive the account activation email within 10 minutes, contact us at

Account Activation and Verification

If you have registered through your email ID, click on the email titled 'BotDistrikt - Verify your Account'

Click on the link to complete your registration. You will be redirected to a page indicating successful email verification.

Successful Email Verification and Account Activation

To log in to your account, click Take me to Login.

In case you have registered through Google or Facebook SSO, you will receive a Welcome to BotDistrikt email.

Welcome Email

Login to BotDistrikt

  1. Enter your (registered) Email and Password.

Login to BotDistrikt Account
  1. Click Login.

You will be redirected to the login page.

Last updated