Update Greeting and Fallback from Personality

To update your BotDistrikt Bot's Profile, begin with updating:

  1. Greeting

Once you click greeting, the dashboard navigates to a new greeting in Stories on the left-hand panel. The Story Name is selected as the default (System) greeting.

Update Bot Greeting msg, Fallback and Persistent menu
Greeting (in Personality) --> Update Greeting Message in Stories
  1. Story Name is selected as default system greeting

  2. Send alert to - To enter email address, click Add Email

  3. View Stats - the number of times your bot greets users. To view details, click on the eye icon . You will be redirected to Inbox.

  4. Sample response

  5. Add Response - Add a response type to the story

  6. Add Quick Reply

  7. What will they say next? - Anticipate response and add to the flow in the form of conversation

  8. Cancel/Duplicate/Broadcast story. The system story (such as greeting and fallback) cannot be deleted.

  9. Preview/Save story

Last updated