Guest Users

Managing Users

Unlike a user messaging your bot with another messaging channel, website visitors are anonymous and cannot be identified by the chatbot.

Therefore, your users who message your bot will be given a random name in format of Website Guest XXXXX.

Website users have 2 attributes setup as soon as they click GET STARTED





A unique generated ID

to identify a user as long as their session is active


The domain URL where they messaged the chatbot from

to personalise chat experiences with rules

A note on Website bot Users

Website chat does not automatically store any identification information, as opposed to other messaging channels. Every user is a Guest User. This means after messaging your bot if a user

  • Clicks Reset Chat,

  • Closes the page on their browser, then revisits the page, or

  • Stays inactive on the page for more than your bot's Session Length

Their profile on your bot will expire. Subsequent chats from the same person will create a 2nd User profile on your bot.

Please be wary of Guest Users as each one of them counts towards your plan's User Limit

It is recommended to make your website chat bot request every user for personally identifiable information such as their email address or phone number, so you may continue conversations with them later on.

Please remember to add your Privacy Policy to the Website Chat integration before doing this.

Last updated