Google Docs

Google Docs

To use Google Docs as sources, you must link your Google Docs account.

Unlinked Google Docs Dashboard
  1. After linking your Google Docs account, you can add a Google Doc source by clicking on New Google Doc.

Google Docs as Sources
  1. Search for your document and a dropdown field will appear allowing you to select a document. Click on Select Doc once a sheet has been chosen.

Google Docs Dropdown
  1. Similarly, you will be able to view the uploaded Google Doc chunking settings and output.

Google Docs Chunk Settings
  1. Click on Train AI to use that Google Doc as a source.


  • If a file is stuck at queued, ensure that your account has not exceeded the respective tier Response Repo limit.

  • If a file is stuck at the training phase, click on Resync Source

  • If embeddings are not created, ensure that your AI integrated account has not exceeded its token limit.

GWS Label Lock

The GWS Label Lock feature secures and facilities the approval process by ensuring that only files with the designated labels are used for knowledge sourcing.

Feature available on request.

How to use the label lock

  1. On , ensure that you have the necessary admin privileges to utilise the Labels feature, see Drive Label Admin.

  2. Create a Google Drive Label. This is required for the "Label Lock" field to appear. Next, designate one label option to indicate that the file is ready to be used as a knowledge source. In this example, the designated label option is .

For the Apply Label Lock feature to show, the label type on Google Drive must be a Badged label.

Badged Label Title
Badged Label Options
  1. Apply the Label on Google Doc. If the selected file has a label other than the designated label for syncing, i.e. then the file cannot be synced so the current sources of the chatbot won't change.

  2. If the GWS Label Lock feature is enabled, you will see the Apply Label Lock checkbox when creating a new Google Doc. Enabling this would allow the file to be used as a knowledge source as long as the label on the file is .

Apply Label Lock Checkbox


  • If the initial labels are not applied, you will get a Sync error and the new content will not be synced for embeddings on the chatbot.

Sync Error

Last updated