
Your dashboard monitors, controls, and helps to optimise the performance of your bot

Depending on your needs, you can monitor real-time and historical data.

As the bot developer, this will help you identify areas for improvement. Subsequently, it helps you customise your bot's personality, stories, responses, conditions, and user segmentation.

In addition, our dashboard helps you achieve scalability with increased traffic.

StatisticDescriptionMore Info

New Users

The number of new unique users who messaged your bot

Total Users

The number of total unique users who messaged your bot


The number of chat sessions with your bot


The number of messages sent to your bot


The number of URL buttons clicked from text and cards

Average Session

The average time spent in a single chat session

Fallback Rate

The ratio of times your bot resulted in its fallback message relative to its handled messages

WR Rate

The Wrong Response (WR) Rate. The number of messages which triggered wrong responses from your bot

Bot Channels, Sources, Top Users and Top Stories

You can view new users, total users, number of sessions, messages exchanged, clicks, average session duration, fallback rate, and wrong-response rate. Hover over the analytics to understand the analytics.

Analytics Cards

The graph chart gives a clear overview of the number of Clicks, Users, and Messages.


The basic sentiment analysis pie chart displays the number of Positive, Negative, and Neutral sentiments that the bot received.

Positive sentiment example: "Good job!", or "Thank you!"

Neutral sentiment example: "OK", or "How are you?"

Negative sentiment example: "You are not helping me"

Sentiment Pie Chart


The channels graph indicates the number of times your bot is activated on each of your active communication channels/integrations.

Example: Website, Whatsapp, Telegram, Skype, Messenger, etc.

Channel Frequency


Sources indicate the domain source of where your Website chatbot is coming from.

Example: https://mywebsite.com, https://chat.mywebsite.com


Top Users

Top users are your end-users who have interacted the most times with your bot. The dashboard displays the number of messages exchanged with each top user as well.

Top Users with Number of Messages

Top Stories

Top Stories are your stories created from the Stories section that your user most viewed. The dashboard displays the number of stories viewed with each top stories as well.

Top Stories

Last updated