Forgot Password

To recover your password:

  1. Go to the BotDistrikt Login page

  2. Click Forget Password at the right-hand side bottom of the Login card.

Forgot Password
  1. You will be redirected to the Password Reset page.

  2. Enter your Email and click Change Password.

    Change Password
  3. You will be redirected to the Success ✅ (Please check your email to reset your password.) page.

Success - Reset Password Link Sent
  1. Go to your registered email ID and click on the link (within 15 minutes of receiving the link) to reset your password.

  2. You will be redirected to the reset page.

Change Password
  1. Enter New Password and Confirm New Password.

  2. Click Change Password.

Your screen will redirect to Success ✅ (Your password has been reset. Please login.)

Change your Password Walkthrough

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