
Inbox Clicks is where you can track all the URL button clicks from your chatbot users.

Clicks Dashboard

Every time a user of your bot clicks on a specific URL button, BotDistrikt tracks

  • The identity of the user who clicked it

    • Their IP address

    • Their Browser User-Agent

    • Their Device

  • Which URL button they clicked, and chat component source.

  • Whether the click was made organically, or was made because of a broadcast

  • The URL they visited

  • The date and time of the click

This is useful for monitoring how active your users are in terms of clicking through web content presented through your bot.

This page can also be used for

  • Filtering Clicks

  • Exporting to CSV

Filtering Clicks

Use the Filters on the top of the page to filter clicks based on several fields. Each field has a specific filter use case

FieldUse Case

User ID

Finds all clicks from a specific user ID

Card ID

Find all clicks from a specific card ID

Audio ID

Find all clicks from a specific audio ID

Broadcast ID

Find all clicks that were made because of pushed-notifications from a broadcast ID

Response Text ID

Find all clicks from a response text ID

User Name

Find all clicks from a specific user, filterable by the user's name

Card Title

Find all clicks from a specific card, filterable by the card's title

Response Text

Find all clicks from a specific response text, filterable by the text

Audio Title

Find all clicks from a specific audio, filterable by the audio's name

Visited URL

Find all clicks that visited a specific URL or a URL that contains some keywords

Recorded At

Find all clicks made before or after a specific date and time

Exporting as CSV

Export filtered clicks to CSV with Actions > Export to CSV

Last updated