To add a website, click on Websites --> New Source Website
Enter a Crawl Base URL (base URL that the chatbot will crawl to find responses)
Click Crawl
Or enter your website's Sitemap
Click Load Sitemap - you will see a list of the URLs available on the website:
Click Add to add individual resources, or
Bulk Add to add resources in bulk.
Click on Train Added Resources at the end of the list to add the current loaded URLs to your bot's knowledge base.
You will be redirected to your Sources dashboard. The added resources are viewable as a list under Websites.
You can toggle the resource as Active, view the current Training status, view Responses, Update a resource, or Delete a URL.
If a file is stuck at queued, ensure that your account has not exceeded the respective tier Response Repo limit.
If embeddings are not created, ensure that your AI integrated account has not exceeded its token limit.
Last updated