Importing Responses

Importing your Agent's responses to make them customizable on the BotDistrikt Platform

The Dialogflow Integration is useful primarily for identifying intents from users' messages. However, if we want to keep the personality of your bot consistent, we will need to manage your bot's responses in one place: the BotDistrikt platform.

This is why it is imperative to import your Dialogflow Agent's Responses to BotDistrikt.

Go to your BotDistrikt account and click on the Integration tab -> Dialogflow

To do so, just click on the green Import Responses button on the Dialogflow Card

It may take up to 1 minute to import all the responses, but when the import is complete, you will get a notification on the bottom right.

Checking Imported Responses

When the import is complete, you can read over to the Rules section and look for the Dialogflow Group

When this group is visible, you have validated that your bot's responses are now imported into BotDistrikt and the copy and language can be customized directly on the BotDistrikt platform.

Last updated