🚀Quick Start

Here is a quick guide on how can you get started on BotDistrikt

Register an Account

Contact us for a demo bot and we will set up your bot account with your registered email address.

Step 1: Go to the Register page

Click this link to register your account

Step 2: Select a Sign-Up method

You can sign up using your Google or Facebook account. Alternatively, you can choose to sign up using your work email and password.

You may skip the following steps if you signed up with Google or Facebook.

Step 3: Fill in the required information

Fill up your personal details like first name, last name, email, and password. Avoid using your same password from other websites! Finally, accept the terms and privacy policies.

Sign up to BotDistrikt

Step 4: Submit

Click on Register. If there is no error, you should be prompted to check your email to activate your account. You should have received an email from BotDistrikt. Click on the link inside the email body to verify your registration.

Successfully Signed Up

Step 5: Verify your email address

You should have received a verification email from BotDistrikt to complete the verification. Proceed to verify your email by clicking on the link in the email.

Verify your Email Address

If you don't see the email, check your spam or junk folder. Also check that you have entered the correct email address, request to resend the verification email. If you still do not receive the email within 10 minutes, do not hesitate to contact us at hello@botdistrikt.com.

Click on the link to verify your account, The link will take you to a page saying that your email has been verified. After that, click on Take Me To Login and login to BotDistrikt.

Create your bot

Log in with your email on the BotDistrikt login page. In the event that the BotDistrikt team has created a bot for you through your registered email ID, you can view your bot on the Chatbot dashboard upon logging in.

Sample Bot Dashboard with (Sample) Bot Created by BotDistrikt Team

Try your Chatbot

Click on your chatbot and you will be taken to the Personality page. This page allows you to get an overview of your bot's personality, its default greeting and fallback messages, the messaging apps it is already connected to, and your team managing its account.

Click on the chatbot widget on the bottom right of the page, and click Get Started.

Type something your customer would say to your chatbot. By default, it will not be able to handle to message and reply with your bot's fallback story.

When this happens, you will be prompted with a link to Create a rule. Click on the link. A new rule will be populated into the UNASSIGNED group, with the message you had entered. Click here to learn more about Rules and configuring one.

Adding a new bot

Step 1 of 5: Click on . You will be instantly redirected to the new dashboard. Here, you can view the various templates available including starting from a blank bot.

Chatbot Templates

Step 2 of 5: Select from Blank Bot/Import Bot/Website Bot/Food Ordering Bot.

Add New Chatbot --> Select from Blank Bot/Import Bot/Template Bot

Step 3 of 5: Regardless of which template is chosen for your chatbot, BotDistrikt allows you to customize it. Proceed with adding the relevant details to your bot.

Import Bot

Import a bot

Website Bot

Generative AI Website Bot Template

Food Ordering Bot

Food Ordering Bot Template

Blank Bot

Blank Bot Template

In this example, we will use the Bank Bot template. At this step you can add a profile picture as well as your bot's name and description.

Uploading a Profile Picture and Chatbot Description

Step 4 of 5: Next, set up your bot's greeting story. What will your bot say for the first time? You can learn more about stories here. In this example, we add a greeting story with two quick reply buttons.

Setup your greeting story

Step 5 of 5: The next step is to setup your chatbot's fallback story. Your chatbot responds with this message if it cannot answer a question. Click Finish to create your chatbot!

Setup your fallback story

🎉 Your bot is now ready!

You can now view the BotDistrikt Dashboard where (from the left-hand side navigation panel) you can update your bot's:

  • Personality

  • Dashboard

  • Forms

  • Rules

  • Stories

  • Responses

  • Sources

  • Users

  • Inbox

  • Broadcasts

  • Integrations

  • Settings

Chatbot Personality Tab

Creating a Linear Flow

A linear flow is a chatbot conversation design principle that allows users to navigate from one story to another story in a fixed way. The user has to view the former story, and only then will they be able to view the latter story. Linear flows require memory.

In this example, we will create a linear flow: Greeting → Transport options → Bus

Step 1 of 4: In the left sidebar, navigate to Stories > greeting in the story dashboard (or any story you wish to set this flow up in).

Step 2 of 4: In the greeting story, select the button you wish to be linked to another story and click Create rule to fix.

What will the user say next?

Step 3 of 4: A popup will appear prompting you to create a rule to fix. Click on , this creates a memory key which is used in this rule to help the chatbot identify that specific button click.

Create rule to fix
Memory key used in a rule condition

Step 4 of 4: After saving, if you have yet to configure the linked story in the bot's answer, you can do so in the Story tab. Once configured, you can test your 2-step linear flow by clicking on the chatbot widget.

To enable a user to go back to the previous story, configure the quick reply button to .

Return Quick Reply Button
The Bus story can be accessed from a linear flow

If a user clicks Get Started and sends a message 'Bus' or any other keyword condition in the rule, the Bus story will not be triggered.

The Bus story cannot be accessed from a nonlinear flow

Create a Nonlinear Flow

Nonlinear flows are stories which can be triggered from anywhere in a chatbot conversation, even from free text, as long as a message or NLP condition is met. Nonlinear flows do not require memory.

In this example, we will create a nonlinear flow: Promotions

Step 1 of 4: In the left sidebar, navigate to Stories > greeting in the story dashboard (or any story you wish to set this flow up in).

Step 2 of 4: In the greeting story, select the button you wish to be linked to another story and click Create rule to fix.

What will the user say next?

Step 3 of 4: A popup will appear prompting you to create a rule to fix. Select the Nonlinear option and Save. This condition means that as long as the text contains promotions, it will trigger the linked story.

Creating a Nonlinear Flow

Step 4 of 4: After saving, if you have yet to configure the linked story in the bot's answer, you can do so in the Story tab. Once configured, you can test your nonlinear flow by clicking on the chatbot widget.

Promotions can be accessed from any part of the chatbot conversation

Last updated