Broadcast Records

Broadcast Records lets you track the receipt status of your broadcasts on every single user who was intended to receive it

Every time you publish a broadcast, BotDistrikt tracks a receipt - also known as a Broadcast Record, for each user. For each record, BotDistrikt tracks

  • The identity of the user who received it

  • The date and time that the user received it

  • The status of the receipt, whether it was completed or an error

  • If the broadcast status is error

    • The accompanying error message explaining why there was an error

  • Latency - the difference between the time the broadcast was scheduled and the time the user received it

What a user received

Hover over a record to see what a user received during the broadcast. Each user receives a unique personalized message based on the variables you use in the message.

Use the Broadcast Records page to:

  • Filter Broadcast Records

  • Export to CSV

Filtering Broadcast Records

Use the Filters on the top of the page to filter records based on several fields. Each field has a specific filter use case

FieldUse Case

Broadcast ID

Find all records a specific broadcast ID

User ID

Finds all records from a specific user ID

Story ID

Find all records publishing a broadcast of a specific story ID

Story Name

Find all records publishing a broadcast of a specific story, filterable by the story's name

User Name

Find all clicks from a specific user, filterable by the user's name


Find all broadcast records of a status completed or error


Find all broadcast records of status error with a specific of filterable error message

Recorded At

Find all records received before or after a specific date and time

Number of Responses

Sometimes when a broadcast publishes a story that uses only 1 webhook to get a dynamically generated response, the webhook might return no responses for a specific user.

Filter by Number of Responses greater than 0, to filter only those users who received a message

Exporting as CSV

Export filtered clicks to CSV with Actions > Export to CSV

BotDistrikt's broadcast functionality has a default push configuration of

  • 5 Maximum Retries

  • 0.1s Backoff

View up to 5 Broadcast Records with errors for the same user because the platform attempted to retry a failed broadcast to the user 5 times

For Enterprise customers, the push configuration is customizable.

Last updated