Edit Profile

Update your personal information

To update your First Name, Last Name, and Passwords:

  • Navigate to the top right-hand corner of your top panel.

  • Click on your name at the top right-hand corner of your dashboard.

  • Click Edit Profile.

Click Save to save your updated profile information.

View your Access Token in your Account section.

Access tokens are used in token-based authentication. It allows your app to access our API. Your app receives an access token after we successfully authenticate and authorize access, then pass the access token as a credential when you call the target API.

The passed token informs the API that the token bearer (you) is authorized to access our API and perform specific actions (e.g. integrate your BotDistrikt bot to your website) specified by the scope that was granted during authorization.

Click Change Password to update your current password. Click Save.

Click Email Preferences to view current email preferences. Each bot has separate email preferences that you can update in each bot's dashboard.

Last updated